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  Universal Remote Control
for IT Operations Management
Overview of nAble
As an IT manager, you are responsible for the technology that plays a vital role in your company. Keeping your business up and running smoothly requires constant vigilance, and an in-depth understanding of how the different technologies work together to form critical business systems.

Business Challenge
If you're like most mid-size companies, your 24/7 support capabilities are encumbered by fragmented expertise and tools, ad hoc processes, and insufficient documentation. The basic tools you use to manage each technology component may be free, but are inefficient and ineffective for end-to-end business systems management. As a result, your IT operations are fraught with manual, distributed, skill-intensive efforts across multiple vendor-specific interfaces, burdening IT service levels and operational costs.

The nAble Solution
nAble expands your support capabilities by consolidating fragmented data, functionality and expertise, within a simplified management dashboard, available from anywhere. By interpreting data and coordinating action across any number of interdependent technology components, nAble delivers intelligent systems management. With nAble, you can automate problem diagnosis and corrective action, increase IT service levels, and reduce the costs associated with manual, skill-intensive support efforts.

See in detail how nAble benefits your IT operations!