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  Universal Remote Control
for IT Operations Management
Understanding the ROI for nAble
The value you obtain from implementing nAble across your information systems is tangible and measurable. In short, nAble reduces downtime. As a result, employee productivity is increased, as are your company's revenue opportunities. At the same time, nAble allows the same number of IT support staff to manage a larger infrastructure, improving the server/staff ratio.

To understand your ROI, fill out each of the following fields then press 'Caculate ROI' below. We'll walk you through our detailed calculation.

What's your company name? (We obviously don't need this, but simply wish to refer to your company by name.)
How many servers under management?  
How many IT staff supporting these servers?  
How many total employees within your company?  
On average, what % of these employees are unproductive during network/system downtime or severe performance degradation?   %
What are your company's annual revenues? $
What % of these revenues are impacted by network/system downtime or severe performance degradation?   %